1. Project Title: Strengthening VOPEs’ capacities in Europe: A practical approach for streamlining the evaluation of Key Horizontal Principles (KHP).
1.a Geographical region/ regions that the project cover: Austria, Germany, Greece, N. Macedonia, Poland, Serbia, Spain.
2. Partners:
Organization name/ Abbreviation | Status
(VOPE, academic institution, NGO, government agency) |
Country | Each partner who has any specific role/ function/ designated activity in the frames of the proposed project must provide a formal letter on letterhead signed by the legal authority binding consent to be a partner (including the managing VOPEs) |
INES | VOPE (NGO) | Serbia | Leading Partner (Managing Partner) |
Hellenic Evaluation Society (HES) | VOPE (NGO) | Greece | Partner
+Financial Management Partner on behalf of INES |
Iberian Association of Professional Evaluators (APROEVAL) | VOPE (NGO) | Spain | Partner |
DeGEval – Evaluation Society (Gesellschaft für Evaluation e.V.) | VOPE (NGO) | Germany
Austria |
Partner |
Macedonian Evaluation Network (MEN) | VOPE (NGO) | Macedonia | Partner |
Polish Evaluation Society (PES) | VOPE (NGO) | Poland | Partner |
The project aims at strengthening internal NESE (Network of Evaluation Societies in Europe) cooperation through developing a Common Reference Framework (CRF) for VOPEs’ to support them in advocating on key principles of equity, gender equality and social justice and on the shared principles of partnership, innovation, inclusivity, democracy, and human rights (KHP). CRF development will be linked to a reflexive process at VOPE level focusing on its state of the art. The project aims at:
(1) strengthening VOPEs capacities towards having a ‘tool’ comprising the KHP;
(2) setting common ground for VOPEs to exchange practical approaches to advocate for the adoption of KHP in the design and implementation of evaluations;
(3) supporting VOPEs’ professionalization processes through the provision of a guidance document (CRF).
Project partners will facilitate an inclusive action addressing all VOPEs in Europe. The Project comprises 5 substantial activities:
1. Mapping VOPEs throughout Europe: in a P2P stocktaking exercise (desk research, remote meetings/interviews with VOPEs), it will be described how VOPEs consider KHPs in their strategic documents (e.g., statute, mission statement, standards, guidelines).
2. SWOT and GAP analysis: in a P2P reflection, areas for improvement for VOPEs, regarding KHP, will be identified.
3. KHP expert panel: results will be discussed with experts in KHP issues (e.g. equity DRG, SDG) as a first step of CRF development.
4. Draft CRF and e-Consultation: a CRF will be drafted. The draft will include reference to existing good practices. Once the draft is completed, an e-consultation will take place, to provide feedback from experts and VOPEs (online questionnaire).
5. A dissemination event will be organized for positioning the consolidated CRF, in the wider EU evaluation environment.